Bad Dream Last Night

in my dream I was too far from home and had to pull over. I figured out which way the targets were and got behind a wall. two girls were coloring on the ground. i heard gunshots in one of the nearby houses. lightning on a clear day. The sun came up casting shadows. more lighting. another sunrise.⬇️

⬆️ They kept coloring. fully exposed to the light from the “sunrise”. I wasn’t shielded like i thought i was and a couple of them blasted me in the back. It felt hot at first, as you would imagine. then numb and then like something wet and heavy was stuck to my back. it was my back, dead now and⬇️

⬆️ already beginning to slough off. No point in telling them. Let them have this happy moment. If a shockwave didn’t take us out in the next few minutes, we had about 12 hours tops at this point. I thought about my own kids. Curiosity got the better of me and i turned around with my eyes basically ⬇️

⬆️closed. i saw two mushroom clouds. wasn’t sure what one was over top of, but the other was some steel mill shipping ports. We’re close to an army base; when that gets bombed we’ll be vaporized. my kids are near an industrial center so they’ll meet the same fate. I tried not to think about them ⬇️

⬆️ I wondered if the nightmares i had as a little kid about UFOs in the sky seeing me and taking me away were some kind of omen – lights in the sky taking people. I wonder if this is what the Palestinians experience. The kids stopped coloring. “hey mister” one of them said. my alarm clock went off⬇️

⬆️ and I’m in bed. There’s no nuclear war. I’m safe. my family is safe. roof over our head. lights on. heat. food. television. Internet. I’m gonna get stressed about stupid stuff like Excel spreadsheets and bills instead of being vaporized with no one but frightened strangers around me. 🔚

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